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Contents of /psiconv/trunk/program/psiconv/psiconv.c

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Revision 219 - (show annotations)
Mon Feb 23 13:08:32 2004 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by frodo
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 9209 byte(s)
(Frodo) Psiconv program work
  * Added -c option

1 /*
2 psiconv.c - Part of psiconv, a PSION 5 file formats converter
3 Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Frodo Looijaard <frodol@dds.nl>
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 */
20 /* Driver program */
22 #include "config.h"
23 #include "compat.h"
24 #include <getopt.h>
25 #include <stdio.h>
26 #include <sys/stat.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <strings.h>
30 #include <ctype.h>
32 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
33 #include <unistd.h>
34 #endif
37 #include "magick-aux.h"
38 #endif
40 #include <psiconv/data.h>
41 #include <psiconv/list.h>
42 #include <psiconv/parse.h>
43 #include <psiconv/configuration.h>
44 #include "psiconv.h"
45 #include "gen.h"
47 static void print_help(void);
48 static void print_version(void);
49 static void strtoupper(char *str);
51 void print_help(void)
52 {
53 fileformat ff;
54 int i,j;
56 puts("Syntax: psiconv [OPTIONS..] [FILE]");
57 puts("Convert the psion file FILE to other formats");
58 puts("If FILE is not specified, use stdin");
59 puts(" -c, --configfile=FILE Read extra configuration file after normal ones");
60 puts(" -e, --encoding=ENC Output encoding (default: UTF8)");
61 puts(" -h, --help Display this help and exit");
62 puts(" -n, --noise=LEVEL Select what to print on stderr (overrides psiconv.conf)");
63 puts(" -o, --outputfile Output to file instead of stdout");
64 puts(" -T, --type=FILETYPE Output type (default: XHTML or TIFF");
65 puts(" -V, --version Display the program version and exit");
66 puts("");
67 puts("The following encodings are currently supported:");
68 puts(" UTF8 Variable length Unicode encoding");
69 puts(" UCS2 Fixed 16-bit length Unicode encoding");
70 puts(" Psion The encoding your Psion uses (as in psiconv.conf)");
71 puts(" ASCII 7-bit ASCII (other symbols are substituted by '?')");
72 puts("");
73 puts("The following noise levels are currently supported:");
74 puts(" 1 or F: Fatal errors only");
75 puts(" 2 or E: Errors");
76 puts(" 3 or W: Warnings");
77 puts(" 4 or P: Progress indicators");
78 puts(" 5 or D: Debug data");
79 puts("");
80 puts("The following abbreviations are used in the output types list:");
81 puts(" C - processes ClipArt files");
82 puts(" c - processes ClipArt files containing only one image");
83 puts(" M - processes MBM files");
84 puts(" m - processes MBM files containing only one image");
85 puts(" S - processes Sketch files");
86 puts(" T - processes TextEd files");
87 puts(" W - processes Word files");
88 puts("");
89 puts("The following output types are known:");
90 for (i = 0; i < psiconv_list_length(fileformat_list); i ++) {
91 ff = psiconv_list_get(fileformat_list,i);
92 printf(" %s",ff->name);
93 for (j = strlen(ff->name); j < 10; j++)
94 putchar(' ');
95 printf("[%c%c%c%c%c] ",
96 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_CLIPART_MULTIPLE?'C':
97 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_CLIPART_SINGLE?'c':' ',
98 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_MBM_MULTIPLE?'M':
99 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_MBM_SINGLE?'m':' ',
100 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_SKETCH?'S':' ',
101 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_TEXTED?'T':' ',
102 ff->supported_format & FORMAT_WORD?'W':' ');
103 puts(ff->description);
104 }
105 puts("");
106 puts("When using UTF8 with LaTeX type, the resulting LaTeX source should be converted");
107 puts(" to a suitable encoding for your LaTeX installation before being typeset");
108 }
110 void print_version(void)
111 {
112 printf("Version %s\n",VERSION);
113 }
115 void strtoupper(char *str)
116 {
117 int i;
118 for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i ++)
119 str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
120 }
122 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
123 {
124 struct option long_options[] =
125 {
126 {"help",no_argument,NULL,'h'},
127 {"version",no_argument,NULL,'V'},
128 {"configfile",required_argument,NULL,'c'},
129 {"noise",required_argument,NULL,'n'},
130 {"outputfile",required_argument,NULL,'o'},
131 {"type",required_argument,NULL,'T'},
132 {"encoding",no_argument,NULL,'e'},
133 {0,0,0,0}
134 };
135 const char* short_options = "hVn:o:e:T:c:";
136 int option_index;
137 FILE * f;
138 struct stat fbuf;
140 const char *inputfilename = "";
141 const char *outputfilename = "";
142 const char *extra_configfile = NULL;
143 char *type = NULL;
144 encoding encoding_type=ENCODING_UTF8;
145 psiconv_list outputlist;
146 int verbosity = 0;
148 int c,i,res;
149 psiconv_buffer buf;
150 psiconv_file file;
151 fileformat ff = NULL;
153 if (!(fileformat_list = psiconv_list_new(sizeof(struct fileformat_s)))) {
154 fputs("Out of memory error",stderr);
155 exit(1);
156 }
158 init_txt();
159 init_xhtml();
160 init_html4();
161 init_image();
163 while(1) {
164 c = getopt_long(argc,argv,short_options, long_options, &option_index);
165 if (c == -1)
166 break;
167 switch(c) {
168 case 'h': print_help(); exit(0);
169 case 'V': print_version(); exit(0);
170 case 'n': switch(optarg[0]) {
171 case '1': case 'F':case 'f':
172 verbosity=PSICONV_VERB_FATAL;
173 break;
174 case '2': case 'E':case 'e':
175 verbosity=PSICONV_VERB_ERROR;
176 break;
177 case '3': case 'W':case 'w':
178 verbosity=PSICONV_VERB_WARN;
179 break;
180 case '4': case 'P':case 'p':
182 break;
183 case '5': case 'D':case 'd':
184 verbosity=PSICONV_VERB_DEBUG;
185 break;
186 default:
187 fputs("Unknown noise level\n",stderr);
188 exit(1);
189 }
190 break;
191 case 'o': outputfilename = strdup(optarg); break;
192 case 'T': type = strdup(optarg); break;
193 case 'e': if(!strcmp(optarg,"UTF8"))
194 encoding_type = ENCODING_UTF8;
195 else if (!strcmp(optarg,"UCS2"))
196 encoding_type = ENCODING_UCS2;
197 else if (!strcmp(optarg,"ASCII"))
198 encoding_type = ENCODING_ASCII;
199 else if (!strcmp(optarg,"Psion"))
200 encoding_type = ENCODING_PSION;
201 else {
202 fputs("Unknown encoding type "
203 "(try '-h' for more information\n",stderr);
204 exit(1);
205 }
206 break;
207 case 'c': extra_configfile = strdup(optarg); break;
208 case '?': case ':': fputs("Try `-h' for more information\n",stderr);
209 exit(1);
210 default: fprintf(stderr,"Internal error: getopt_long returned character "
211 "code 0%o ?? (contact the author)\n", c);
212 exit(1); break;
213 }
214 }
215 if (optind < argc-1) {
216 fputs("I can only convert one file!\n"
217 "Try `-h' for more information\n",stderr);
218 exit(1);
219 } else if (optind == argc-1)
220 if (!(inputfilename = strdup(argv[optind]))) {
221 fputs("Out of memory error",stderr);
222 exit(1);
223 }
225 psiconv_config config = psiconv_config_default();
226 psiconv_config_read(extra_configfile,&config);
227 if (verbosity)
228 config->verbosity = verbosity;
230 /* Open inputfile for reading */
232 if (strlen(inputfilename) != 0) {
233 if(stat(inputfilename,&fbuf) < 0) {
234 perror(inputfilename);
235 exit(1);
236 }
237 f = fopen(inputfilename,"r");
238 if (! f) {
239 perror(inputfilename);
240 exit(1);
241 }
242 } else
243 f = stdin;
245 if (!(buf = psiconv_buffer_new())) {
246 fputs("Out of memory error",stderr);
247 exit(1);
248 }
249 if (psiconv_buffer_fread_all(buf,f)) {
250 fprintf(stderr,"Failure reading file");
251 exit(1);
252 }
254 if (strlen(inputfilename) != 0)
255 if (fclose(f)) {
256 perror(inputfilename);
257 exit(1);
258 }
260 if (psiconv_parse(config,buf,&file) || (file->type == psiconv_unknown_file))
261 {
262 fprintf(stderr,"Parse error\n");
263 exit(1);
264 }
266 if (!type) {
267 switch(file->type) {
268 case psiconv_word_file:
269 case psiconv_texted_file:
270 default:
271 type = "XHTML"; break;
272 case psiconv_mbm_file:
273 case psiconv_clipart_file:
274 case psiconv_sketch_file:
275 type = "TIFF"; break;
276 }
277 } else
278 strtoupper(type);
280 for (i = 0; i < psiconv_list_length(fileformat_list); i ++) {
281 ff = psiconv_list_get(fileformat_list,i);
282 if (! strcasecmp(type,ff->name)) {
283 break;
284 }
285 }
287 if (i == psiconv_list_length(fileformat_list)) {
288 fprintf(stderr,"Unknown output type: `%s'\n",type);
289 exit(1);
290 }
292 if (!(outputlist = psiconv_list_new(sizeof(psiconv_u8)))) {
293 fputs("Out of memory error\n",stderr);
294 exit(1);
295 }
297 res = ff->output(config,outputlist,file,type,encoding_type);
298 if (res) {
299 fprintf(stderr,
300 "Output format `%s' not permitted for this file type\n",type);
301 exit(1);
302 }
304 psiconv_free_file(file);
306 if (strlen(outputfilename) != 0) {
307 f = fopen(outputfilename,"w");
308 if (! f) {
309 perror(inputfilename);
310 exit(1);
311 }
312 } else
313 f = stdout;
315 psiconv_list_fwrite_all(outputlist,f);
317 if (fclose(f)) {
318 perror(inputfilename);
319 exit(1);
320 }
322 psiconv_list_free(outputlist);
324 exit(0);
325 }

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